



My home village is a small one. It’s in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is, it’s very beautiful.

There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills. The kites fly very high.In summer, the trees are green and the grass is green, too. It is green everywhere on the hills. There are so many wild apple trees on the hills. The wild apples are nice to eat. In autumn, the corns under and around the hills are ripe. So we eat them almost every day. In winter, when it snows, all the ground is covered with snow. We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar. In my hometown the sky is blue, the air is clean, the water is sweet and the people are very friendly. I love my hometown!





Yao Ming(7/20/2011,Shanghai)

Esteemed Director LiYuyi, distinguished guests, friends in the media:

Good afternoon!

Todayis an important day for me.It is a day of special significance for both mypast professional career and future endeavors.Atthe end of last year, I once again had a stress fracture in my left foot andhad to sit out of basketball.Since then, like many friends who cared about me,I waited and hoped that I could return.It was also a frustrating period, manythoughts crossed my , I am ready to announce to everyone mydecision: I will end my athletic career and formally retire from the game ofbasketball.Atthis moment, looking towards the future and looking back through the past, myheart is full of gratitude.Firstand foremost, I want to thank the game of basketball.This great sport hasbrought joy to untold numbers of people, including myself.When I was fouryears old, I got my first basketball.At nine, I entered a youth sports schoolin Xuhui district(in Shanghai).I joined the Shanghai Junior Team at 14.And when I was 16 years old, I put onmy dad’s former number, and joined the Shanghai Sharks senior team incompetition.Basketball has allowed me to follow in my family’s footsteps.WheneverI see the joy and satisfaction in my parents’ eyes, I feel a strong sense ofpride.I was also fortunate to win a CBA Championship with my teammates for thecity of Shanghaiin 2002.From that moment on, basketball has connected me with this great city.During that same year, I entered the NBA.Basketball has led me to a bigger andbroader stage to showcase my abilities.It’s a dream for many to play for theNational Team.So in fulfilling my dream, I am especially grateful of theopportunity to play for my country for so many years.And because ofbasketball, I have found the love of my life Ye Li, and a lifetime ofhappiness.Basketball has given me so much and for this, I want to thank thegame of basketball.Ialso want to thank life.No matter if it’s my beloved basketball or otherendeavors.It is all just a part of life.I believe life is like a guide.Ifyou follow him faithfully, he will open doors to wonderful worlds for , I am retired from basketball, and one of those doors is closed.Butelsewhere, another door is opening and outside that door is a new world waitingfor me to experience and explore。

Eventhough I am leaving the basketball court, I will not leave the game.TheShanghai Sharks team is how my professional life will continue.I am continuingto learn about managing and running the team and will do my best to bring honorand glory to my hometown and to Chinese basketball.Iwill continue my philanthropic work.The Yao Foundation has been establishedfor three years

now.I will work with the foundation to influence more peopleto join philanthropic activities to help others.I wish to meet and work withnew and old friends on projects of mutual interest.I believe that throughmeeting and working with people from different fields and professions, I cangain new knowledge and new has guided me from Shanghai to China,from Chinato the world.I want to thank life and continue to repay my good fortune byembracing and treasuring every moment.Finally,I want to thank the many special people in my life, my family and my friends.Ihave a long list of people.But due to time, I can only mention a few here.Iam missing a lot of names, but I hope my friends will understand.First, I wantto thank my family.My parents were my first teachers in life.My wife, Ye Liis my best friend and best listener.Our lovely daughter, Amy, is our new hopefor the future.Ialso want to thank my coaches.They educated and guided me and have watched overme every step of way.I want to thank my first coach Li Zhangming, coaches LiQiuping, Wang Qun, and Wang Chongguang from the Shanghai Sharks, coach MaLianbao with the Chinese National Junior team, head coaches Wang Fei, JiangXingquan, Del Harris, and Jonas Kazlauskas from the Chinese National Team, andhead coaches Rudy Tomjanovich, Jeff Van Gundy, and Rick Adelman with theHouston Rockets.I also wish to thank officials and organizations that havehelped me, especially officials from National Sports Administration, city of Shanghai, China BasketballAssociation, Shanghai Sports Administration, the Shanghai Media Group, andShanghai Oriental Basketball Club(Shanghai Sharks).It is through their care,interest, support, and encouragement that allowed me to develop and reach whereI am today.I want to thank the NBA and the Houston Rockets.Theirunderstanding and support helped me overcome the language and cultural barrierto play in the highest level basketball games in the world.Next,I want to thank all of my teammates and opponents.First is Liu Wei.We grew uptogether, played and battled together, and those experiences are some of mymost precious memories in life.I also want to thank Wang Zhizhi and ShaquilleO’Neal.They were the benchmark players that I was chasing after.They motivatedme and pushed me forward, and without them, I would not be the player I amtoday.I want to thank Fan Bin, my friend and mentor on the National team;ShenWei, Jia Xiaozhong, Zhang Wenqi, Li Nan, Mengke Bateer, Yi Jianlian, SteveFrancis, Cuttino Mobley, Tracy McGrady, Shane Battier, Dikembe Mutombo, ChuckHayes, Luis Scola, Aaron Brooks, Kyle Lowry, as well as all of my former teammatesfrom the Xuhui District Youth Sports School, the Shanghai Sharks Junior team,the Shanghai Sharks, the National Junior Team, the Chinese National Team, andthe Houston Rockets, and of course all my opponents in CBA and NBA who I playedagainst.The time we spent sweating and competing will forever be etched in mymemory.Ialso want to thank my management team, “Team Yao”.I want to thank Erik Zhang,Lu Hao, John Huizinga, Bill Duffy, Bill Sanders, Huang Xiaopeng, Li Lu, Ilana,and Larry Zhang, as well as everyone who has worked behind the scenes.I willnever forget everything you have done for me over the years.I’d also like to take this opportunity tothank my friends in the media, my sponsors, and partners.I am honored to haveworked with all of you.Finally I want to sincerely thank all of the fans.Thosewho liked me or those who didn’t, those who are in China, or those abroad, I want tothank everyone who has watched me over the years.It is through everyone’s supportthat has allowed me to play with confidence and courage;and through everyone’scriticism that has helped me improve in areas that I was lacking.For those Ihave mentioned, and for those I have not, you are all in my heart.In short, Iwant to thank everyone who has accompanied me these years.And I will continueto do my best and will continue to be with everyone.Finally,I want to thank this enlightened time of progress that we live in: giving methe opportunities to realize my dreams, and find my self-worth.Ihave once said, when I retire from my professional career, I hope that it is acomma, not a , that day has finally arrived, but I am not leavingthe sport of basketball that I love.My life will continue.I am still Yao Mingand there are still many things that I wish to accomplish.The day of drawing aperiod is still far far away.Iwish everyone health and happiness, I wish the best blessings for mymotherland, my home Shanghai, and my second homeHouston.And Iwish that my beloved sport of basketball will continue to have a bright andprosperous future.Thank you.姚明退役演講稿中文版(“明謝”新聞發(fā)布會致辭):


(2011年7月20日 上海)












我還要感謝我的教練們,是他們教育培養(yǎng)了我,見證了我每一步的成長,其中有我的啟蒙教練李章明指導(dǎo),我在上海大鯊魚隊的教練李秋平指導(dǎo)、王群指導(dǎo)、王重光指導(dǎo),我在國家青年隊的主教練馬連保指導(dǎo),以及我在國家隊的歷任主教練王非指導(dǎo)、蔣興權(quán)指導(dǎo)、以及哈里斯和尤納斯,還有我在火箭隊的歷任主教練湯姆賈諾維奇、范甘迪、阿德爾曼,教練Tom Tip?。我要感謝各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),特別是國家體育總局、上海市、中國籃協(xié)、上海市體育局以及上海文廣集團和原上海東方籃球俱樂部的各級領(lǐng)導(dǎo),他們的關(guān)心、關(guān)注、支持和鼓勵,使我不斷進步,取得了今天的成績。我要感謝NBA和休斯頓火箭隊的管理層,他們的理解和支持幫助我克服了語言和文化的障礙,可以在世界最高水平的聯(lián)賽當(dāng)中站穩(wěn)腳跟。


當(dāng)然,要感謝的還有我的管理團隊-----“姚之隊”,感謝章明基、陸浩、約翰· 海遜格、比爾·達菲、比爾·桑德斯、李璐、伊朗納和張弛,以及現(xiàn)在還在臺前幕后忙碌的成員們!多年來,你們幫我做了很多事情,我不會忘記。








I am very glad to stand here to give thier a short my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland


When preparing for the English speech contest, I simply want to search some articles as the contents of my speech. I read a lot of articles, some from the university professor, some from the famous host, some from the college students, and even from junior high school students. But after reading it, I gave up the idea, I even felt shameful. Today,the topic I want to talk about is a solemn and serious theme full of glory and pride, which is a common aspiration of all our Chinese. Every Chinese has his own dream of China, and of course, there is a dream lingering in my heart only belongs to my own.


So what’s my Chinese dream ? Finally I will announce.

We had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. We had a basic concept to our country at that time. We know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland.



However,We don't know what time to start,We are grow up,Life became not the same, though we don’t want to admit, it’s the truth that our mind and attitude to our country is changing. Our society became full of deception, indifference, intrigue, pressure, corruption, sinister, and we became irritable and not calm, detest the world and its ways. Our country seems to have become in a disastrous state too. A lot of young students who were nurtured by our motherland became impatient, let alone what are their dreams , what is the china dream ?



I was surprised ,when the old man fell down in the street,We are afraid to help him.I was disappointed ,when someone do good things were reported,many people think he was affectation, I was sad,when I saw many of young people become indifferent ,fraud and lack of ideal.

Are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick?



I don't want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the Diaoyu Island event .I just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.We must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. China dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals.


Perhaps the strength of a person is small, but when his or her fate is connected with the motherland, he or she will be hero or heroine. Perhaps a dream is tiny, but when it becomes the dream of a country, it becomes inestimable. Perhaps I cannot change our country by my own, but if thousands and thousands of young people struggle for the dream together, our motherland is enough to make the world shock.


I dream to construct our beauty China with millions of young people who have the same dream. We do it without exaggeration but only with persistence.


That is my speech,thanks everyone.



Our new president Xi Jinping came up with the dream of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation on December 29, 2012. He said: the Chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and people's happiness. Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security , better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and better environment,They want their children to grow well, have ideal jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission."


He also expounded his views of realizing our great dream. He said: To realize the dream, China must take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The country must also foster the Chinese spirit,in which patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation play a core role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethnicities into a great source of strength.


I always ask myself what can I do for our great Chinese dream ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stronger the youths are ,the stronger the nation will be. Here the word wealthy means: enriching our knowledge reserve. As a new generation of science, every one here shouldering the great historical mission of making china powerful and strong. You may say that this may exaggerate our role, but I want to say you are wrong. If I am a little screw our great dream may be a multifunction and complex machine. Through this example I just want to say I am very tiny but I am indispensable .


President Xi also said: We must make persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will, continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.We are closer than in any other time of history to the goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. We are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than in any other period of history," “.””


I believe that as long as all of our university students unite together and perform our own functions that study hard in school and work hard after we graduating from university . we must be able to achieve our great dream meanwhile enrich ourselves unwittingly! lets us unite together to realize Chinese nation's great rejuvenation to struggle!
















林俊杰《西界》,第5張全新創(chuàng)作專輯。非常J FUSION年度必專輯!東方古典+南歐浪漫+美西靈魂+北非熱06/29全亞洲盛大跨界發(fā)行。每個心中都有西界,通往那個未知的自己,在與恨之間,在黑與白之間,在善與惡之間。名曲曹作詞大師-林秋離,神來之筆創(chuàng)西界之說。

羅比威廉斯&MR.Children&Glay都崇拜的,大師信藤先生"雙J與鳥"概念之作,讓這張專輯視覺充滿想象力。一年一度跨界盛事,新專輯收集世界大師精髓繞著地球跑!大師信藤三雄獻出華作,歌姬米希亞聞樂慕名求合作!美國舞蹈宗師Dave Scott首度為亞洲歌手編舞,Top5 Dancers現(xiàn)身尬舞!國際古箏大師王勇揭開序幕,金鐘影帝王傳一跨刀以聲相許!香港道具高手特制奇幻視覺道具空運來臺,新馬中港臺海音樂才子共聚一堂三千萬大制作!寫歌譜曲編曲制作全創(chuàng)作專輯!







05.K-O 06.大男·小孩

07.L-O-V-E 08.發(fā)現(xiàn)


10.Baby Baby 11.不變

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標(biāo)簽丁當(dāng)中孝介五月天任賢齊伍佰光良劉力揚劉德華劉芳劉若英衛(wèi)蘭原聲大碟后弦周傳雄周華健周杰周筆暢孫燕姿孟庭葦寶兒容祖兒小松未歩小虎隊巫啟賢常安張娜拉張學(xué)友張宇張惠妹張敬軒張震岳張靚穎張韶涵徐小鳳恩雅戴佩妮方大同李克勤李宇春李玟李翊君林俊杰林子祥林志炫梁詠琪梁漢文梁靜茹汪峰溫嵐游鴻明濱崎步火烈鳥唱片王力宏王心凌王杰王若琳王菲王雅潔童麗米線純音樂羅大佑羅文群星胡彥斌艾薇兒蘇打綠蘇永康蘇芮范曉萱范瑋琪草蜢莫文蔚蕭亞軒蔡依林蔡健雅蔡旻佑蔡琴許冠杰許巍許茹蕓謝霆鋒鄧麗君那英鄭秀文郭富城陳奕迅陳影陳慧嫻陳慧琳陶喆雅尼風(fēng)潮唱片飛兒樂團馬修·連恩黎明黎瑞恩黑鴨子齊秦齊豫龔玥 Acoustic Alchemy ape Avril Lavigne Ayumi Hamasaki Backstreet Boys Ballake Sissoko BEYOND BoA Britney Spears download Eminem Enigma Enya Faith Hill Five HIFI John Lennon Ka rajan Keiko Lee Kevin Kern凱文·柯恩Kim Wilde Lene Marlin Linkin Park Lionel Richie Ludovico Einaudi Mariah Carey Megadeth Mehdi Michael Jackson Nightwish Nirvana Paul Van Dyk Queen R.E.M.Rain Raul Di Blasio Richard Marx S.H.E Sarah Connor Secret Garden The Beatles The Cranberries TIS Twins U2 Various Artist Various Artists Westlife Yanni


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